about US
For the past two-plus decades, we have called the Market Research Industry home. Over that time, our roles and responsibilities have ranged from Programming to Operations to Sales and many in between. We understand the full scope and hard work that goes into delivering success. It is a willingness to learn, collaborate and never settle.
Good Human Partners is the logical culmination of this unexpected journey. Each chapter has been a welcome opportunity to grow with a common focus on quality, service, and true partnership.
We know what it takes to deliver and work each step of the process to ensure that. We will work to find the best solutions for you, your clients, and in turn your research, even if that means we aren’t the right fit. Trust is earned and something we hope to gain one complete at a time.
AJ Keirans
Founder | Good Human Partners
We have access to panels all around the globe for your Consumer, B2B as well as Healthcare needs. GHP will create a custom sample plan to ensure the highest quality sample for your research needs.
From Survey Programming to Data Tables as well as complex modeling and design, GHP has the solution in place for your project.
Whether it is a tough recruit for an IDI or Focus Group or you’re looking for the right moderator, GHP can help. Qual is such an important part of research and speaking with the right people makes all the difference.
We take pride in thinking outside of the box and solving unique problems. Let’s work together to put together a custom solution in place to meet your specific and unique needs.